 Globalisation and regional environment protection - pierwsza strona okładki
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Globalisation and regional environment protection. Technique, technology, ecology, praca zbiorowa, Tadeusz Noch, Wioleta Mikołajczewska, Alicja Wesołowska (red.), Wydawnictwo GSW, Gdańsk 2016, ISBN 978-83-89762-80-1. Stron 344, format 17x24 cm (B5), cena: 36,00 zł
36,00 zł
Dyscyplina: Nauki techniczne
SKU: 080
Tytuł Globalisation and regional environment protection
Podtytuł Technique, technology, ecology
  praca zbiorowa
Redaktorzy naukowi Tadeusz Noch, Wioleta Mikołajczewska, Alicja Wesołowska
Autorzy (29) Buyun Lyudmyla, Doskocz Jacek, Grudniewska Joanna, Honcharenko Vitaliy, Jaworska Ewa, Kamiński Piotr, Kardasz Piotr, Kasiyan Olha, Khopyak Kateryna, Khopyak Natalia, Kofanova Olena,Kurhaluk Natalia, Leśnikowska-Wielgolawska Karina, Łukaszewicz Jan,Manenko Alek,Mitryasova Olena, Muzyka Fedir, Osadowski Zbigniew,Pałczyńska-Guguła Katarzyna, Pażontka-Lipiński Paweł, Pękala Agnieszka, Podolchak Iryna, Pohrebennyk Volodymyr,Prokopiv Andriy, Skaletska Natalia, Sosnovskyi Yevgenii, Terech-Majewska Elżbieta, Tkachenko Halyna, Witaszek Marlena
Rok wydania 2016
Język publikacji Angielski, polski
Tytuł serii Globalizacja a ochrona środowiska
Numer w serii 5
Strony 344
Format (cm) 17x24 (B5)
ISBN 978-83-89762-80-1
Cena (zł) 36,00

On October 19, 2016, Gdańsk School of Higher Education (Gdańska Szkoła Wyższa) organised their 4th International Scientific Conference, “Globalisation and regional environment protection”, hosting scientists from the national and foreign academic centres and scientific institutions.

The conference focused on the four main scientific sessions:

  1. Social and educational aspects of globalisation and environment protection
  2. Environmental technique, technology, and engineering
  3. Ecological processes and environmental engineering
  4. Administration and law and environmental management

This book is the result of the scientific achievements of the members of the conference, presented during the event.

The conference received honorary patronage of the Pomeranian Voivodeship Office, Pomeranian Voivodeship Marshall and Pomeranian Voivodeship Environment Protection Inspectorate.


Environment protection in Poland underwent major improvements in the recent years. Above all, social awareness of the environmental issues increased, mainly due to the conducted environmental policy. The basic and most important rule here is the rule of sustainable development. Its assumptions are those of harmonising the needs and aspirations of the society with the possibilities of utilising the natural environment so as to balance the accessibility of natural environment of the individual communities, now and for the future generations. The idea of sustainable development integrates itself into the organisational and economic reality of Poland with increasing energy, expressing itself in the rationalisation of attitudes and behaviours towards the natural environment.

Based on Polish and international law, all enterprises and other organisations are obliged to respecting the standards of environmental protection, related to e.g. water quality, air quality, protection of nature, waste management, as well as requirements of the ecological features of their products. Confronting of theoretical knowledge with practice showed how important and necessary uninterrupted popularisation of available ecological solution is in our country.

One can observe an increasing social awareness of the role individual activities play in the protection of our planet. One such example is switching off the lights when leaving a room, unplugging unnecessary devices, and rational power consumption. These are only a few among the activities that positively influence the energy balance.

Apart from the above, an increasing number of organisations undertake activity in the area of promoting pro-ecological behaviour among their employees and in local communities. They provide amenities for their employees arriving to work by bicycle, they take part in “Clean Up the World” activities or the protection of specific endangered species, organise children competitions and workshops related to environment protection. Such elementary office behaviour as saving paper or waste segregation become daily practice.

The monograph contains 16 articles. The book encompasses issues of orientation towards environment technology, environment technique and environmental engineering. It also contains articles on the social and educational aspects of globalisation and environment protection.

The publication is the fifth book by the Gdańsk School of Higher Education (Gdańska Szkoła Wyższa, GSW) publishing house which has been active for the past ten years (2006–2016). It is a result of the activity of GSW’s scientific community. Active input into this publication also came from didactic and scientific personnel of other national and foreign scientific institutions. It mainly contains articles in English.

The issues of environment protection may serve the students as further reading on selected matters and it may also be useful to other readers who are interested in this area of science.

We would like to express our thanks to the authors, who took part in the preparation of the monograph. At the same time, we wish that the publication provides to our readers the information they will find useful in different areas of their lives.

The Editors

Tytuł serii: Globalizacja a ochrona środowiska
  1. Globalne i regionalne problemy ochrony środowiska, Waldemar Polak, Tadeusz Noch (red.), ISBN 83-89762-06-4, Gdańsk 2006, Wydawnictwo GSW,
  2. Globalizacja a problematyka ochrony środowiska, Tadeusz Noch, Alicja Wesołowska (red.), ISBN 978-83-89762-28-3, Gdańsk 2010, Wydawnictwo GSW,
  3. Globalizacja i regionalizacja w ochronie środowiska, Tadeusz Noch, Jan Saczuk, Alicja Wesołowska (red.), ISBN 978-83-89762-56-6, Gdańsk 2014, Wydawnictwo GSW,
  4. Globalizacja a regionalna ochrona środowiska, Tadeusz Noch, Wioleta Mikołajczewska, Alicja Wesołowska (red.), ISBN 978-83-89762-79-5, Gdańsk 2016, Wydawnictwo GSW,
  5. Globalisation and regional environment protection. Technique, technology, ecology, Tadeusz Noch, Wioleta Mikołajczewska, Alicja Wesołowska (eds.), ISBN 978-83-89762-80-1, Gdańsk 2016, Wydawnictwo GSW,
  6. Globalizacja i regionalne problemy ochrony środowiska, Tadeusz Noch, Wioleta Mikołajczewska, Alicja Wesołowska (red.), ISBN 978-83-89762-97-9, Gdańsk 2018, Wydawnictwo GSW,
  7. Funkcjonowanie państwa i organizacji w obliczu kryzysów globalnych, Wioleta Mikołajczewska, Mirosław Borkowski, Aleksandra Friedberg (red.), ISBN 978-83-66270-25-1, Gdańsk 2023, Wydawnictwo GSW, wyd. online (PDF):

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Piotr Kardasz, Jacek Doskocz, Ewa Jaworska, Volodymyr Pohrebennyk, Olena Mitryasova, Natalia Kurhaluk, The possibilities of using alcohols and their compounds as biofuels: environmental aspects
  3. Olha Kasiyan, Halyna Tkachenko, Jan Łukaszewicz, Mortality from thyroid cancer among population of Ukraine over the past ten years
  4. Olha Kasiyan, Halyna Tkachenko, Jan Łukaszewicz, The diffuse goiter prevalence among children in endemic Lviv region (western Ukraine) during 2000–2014
  5. Natalia Khopyak, Halyna Tkachenko, Kateryna Khopyak, Alek Manenko, Ecological and hygienic assessment of use and remediation of fuel oils
  6. Olena Kofanova, Modeling of the chemical training process of the students-environmentalists in the context of education for the sustainable development
  7. Natalia Kurhaluk, Halyna Tkachenko, Piotr Kaminski, Fedir Muzyka, Effect of cobalt chloride exposure on oxidative stress biomarkers in the blood and liver of rats with different resistance to hypoxia
  8. Natalia Kurhaluk, Halyna Tkachenko, Piotr Kaminski, Fedir Muzyka, Different responses biochemical markers of oxidative stress, aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, element-enzymes interactions in rats from different resistance to hypoxia at cobalt impact: Are modulators of KATP supplementation beneficial?
  9. Volodymyr Pohrebennyk, Olena Mitryasova, Natalia Kurhaluk, Iryna Podolchak, Soil Elemental Composition in the Lviv Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Territory
  10. Halyna Tkachenko, Natalia Kurhaluk, Effect of cobalt chloride on oxygen free radical metabolism in rats
  11. Halyna Tkachenko, Paweł Pażontka-Lipiński, Marlena Witaszek, Seasonal alterations in exercise-induced oxidative stress of horses involved in recreational horseback ride
  12. Halyna Tkachenko, Joanna Grudniewska, Influence of chloramine-t on oxidative stress biomarkers in the cardiac tissue of grayling (Thymallus thymallus Linn.)
  13. Halyna Tkachenko, Joanna Grudniewska, Agnieszka Pękala, Biochemical response in the muscle tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) following vaccination against Yersinia ruckeri
  14. Halyna Tkachenko, Lyudmyla Buyun, Elżbieta Terech-Majewska, Zbigniew Osadowski, Yevgenii Sosnovskyi, Vitaliy Honcharenko, Andriy Prokopiv, In vitro antibacterial efficacy of various ethanolic extracts obtained from Ficus spp. leaves against fish pathogen, Pseudomonas fluorescens
  15. Halyna Tkachenko, Natalia Skaletska, The blood oxidative stress biomarkers in children with endemic fluorosis
  16. Karina Leśnikowska-Wielgolawska, Halyna Tkachenko, Natalia Kurhaluk, Etiologia wrzodziejącej martwicy skóry u troci wędrownej z dorzecza Słupi
  17. Katarzyna Pałczyńska-Guguła, Halyna Tkachenko, Natalia Kurhaluk, Zawartość mikro- i makroelementów oraz markerów stresu oksydacyjnego w tkance mięśniowej smoltów troci wędrownej (Salmo trutta L.) w latach 2009–2011

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