Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa "Global Security and Asymmetry of the World Economics…" (8.12.2023)

Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w III międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej pt.

Global Security and Asymmetry of the World Economics in the Conditions of Unstable Development of Economic Systems

w formule online, 8.12.2023. Język konferencji: ukraiński, polski, angielski.

Organizatorem konferencji jest Department of International Economic Relations of Central Ukrainian National Technical University Kropyvnytskyi.

Gdańska Szkoła Wyższa jest jednym z partnerów wydarzenia. Wszystkich zainteresowanych prosimy o kontakt mailowy: wydawnictwo@gsw.gda.pl.

Planowane obszary konferencji
  • asymmetries of socio-economic development of countries as a source of contradictions and threats to global security;
  • international and national security in the context of global transformations;
  • institutional environment for the development of international cooperation and international security;
  • socio-economic development of countries under the influence of current hybrid threats;
  • economic security of the state and regions;
  • urgent tasks and challenges for the service sector in the context of exacerbation of global threats;
  • development of tourism sector in crisis situations on the global scale;
  • financial system and accounting and auditing support of transformation processes in the conditions of globalization;
  • sectoral priorities of endogenous development of Ukraine in the conditions of slowing down of integration processes;
  • ideology of public economic management;
  • information society in the process of global socio-economic transformation;
  • institutional and legal principles of functioning of the national economy;
  • modern requirements of the globally oriented world in the context of multicultural competence;
  • information and analytical resources in the system of economic security of enterprises;
  • managerial innovations as the basis for enterprise development in the context of the post-war period.


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PDF icon Invitation letter (2023.12.08).pdf369.88 KB
Kategoria wydarzeń: Konferencja naukowa
Data wydarzenia: Friday, 8 December, 2023